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Masculinities, Barbican; Steve McQueen, Tate Modern

    A carefully curated show at the Barbican avoids the obvious in its exploration of how masculinity is portrayed, both in art and in society, says Waldemar Januszczak

    James Turrell, Pace Gallery

      In a riveting installation, James Turrell shows his mastery of time, light and space. Get ready to gawp

      Warhol by Blake Gopnik review — the truth about the pop art pioneer

        The artist spent his career hiding his private life from the world. This exhaustive biography lays bare an artistic genius, from his sex life and eccentric mother to lies about his aristocratic background.

        Radical Figures, Whitechapel Gallery

          A fascinating exhibition in London showcases 10 artists shaking up our most basic art form: painting.

          Basquiat at the Barbican

            Basquiat at the Barbican sums up what’s gone wrong with the art world